Discover: what is the creature comfort payoff of not changing my behavior?
By now you have been exposed to roughly 100+ emails & advertisements, exclaiming “New Year, New You.”
Complimenting those emails are Social Media posts stating “be kind to yourself and don’t set unrealistic expectations in the New Year.”
How do we move positively forward into the year with these mixed messages?
I have found acknowledging the fact that we are led 50% by our human brain (prefrontal cortex) and 50% by our animal-like body, craving comfort; to be helpful in setting pragmatic goals for change.
When we lean too much into controlling our urges, they backfire.
Yet, when our only goal is to acknowledge the urge and let it be, we grow in Strength.
The Strength/Lust card in the Light Seer’s Tarot deck perfectly embodies this 50/50 mix.
As animals, we get to experience the pleasure of all the delicious physical stuff; food, sexuality and a warm place to sleep.
As humans with planning skills and creativity flowing through our veins, we have the opportunity to create what our next chapter will look like.
Striking the right balance between these 2 parts of ourselves, is the magic equation of goal setting.
Each person has a unique mix that works for them, but we all must acknowledge the animal inside of us, primarily seeking physical comfort.
We acknowledge this part of us when we ask ourselves: what is the creature comfort payoff of not changing my behavior?
The payoff may be sneaky…so you must be brutally honest with yourself.
Payoff: not having to create a resume, learn new skills or have awkward interviews/conversations. Result: Same job, same year.
Payoff: not having to feel the discomfort of fasting, saying no to a drink or investing time into finding healthier recipes. Result: Same health, same year.
Payoff: not having to examine your emotions and how they influence others and not wasting time on bad dates.
Result: Same relationship status, same year.
If any of these ‘cashed in’ payoffs stop you in your tracks, know that you are not alone.
There are times when we are not ready to pay the price we need to get what we want.
I wanted to lose 10 pounds, have a bigger business and be happily married…. long before…. those events came to pass.
The objective here is to take radical responsibility for the decisions you are making in 2024. These decisions will shape your year.
Of course there will be random experiences popping up throughout the year to keep life exciting, but overall you get to call the shots on how YOU balance the 50/50 equation that lives inside of you.
This New Year, my goal is to encourage you to ACT upon something you’ve avoided and explained away with a familiar excuse.
You can start by taking time to reflect on the change you want to see and what payoff(s) you receive if you do not pursue the actions needed to bring it about.
If you would like support in creating change this year, download the habit tracker or reach out for a New Year reading.