Are you ready to fully embody your creativity in your career and/or business?
Finding your day job dull, with dreams of expressing yourself more fully and being able to live a materially abundant life?
Stuck with questions about finances, how to market yourself and how to re-design your work/life?
I’ve been there! From a nearly 20 year career in corporate Marketing & Human Resources, I pivoted to full time creative entrepreneur and investor. It wasn’t easy, but it was 100% worth the effort.
I’d love to make the process easier for you! With my model of Creative Careers coaching, I take you through the ‘mini’ steps of building a new life plan you love and having the confidence to execute it.
I offer one time consultations to create a 30 day Action Plan, including pre-work, Action Plan and a 90 day follow up call ($225).
8 weeks of 1:1 weekly 50 min. coaching sessions, including your personalized 90 day Action Plan, how-to steps, weekly follow ups for accountability and an in depth resource guide to help you at each step. ($999)
12 weeks of 1:1 weekly 50 min. coaching sessions, including your personalized Action Plan, how-to steps and weekly follow ups for accountability and an in depth resource guide to help you at each step. As a bonus you will receive your choice of an in depth palm, natal chart or life plan tarot reading. ($1500)